About Us

We are building a world-class reinsurer focused on the legacy market that outperforms its peers over time due to underwriting excellence, professional claim handling, prudent investments, efficient use of capital, and superior execution of its business plan.

The Company

Premia was founded in 2017. The company’s multi-disciplinary executive team helps organizations achieve finality by providing insurance and reinsurance solutions for run-off liabilities.

Core Principles

  • Not driven by premium volume or size
  • Consistent and conservative approach to the business
  • Employ outstanding analytical tools coupled with world class talent
  • Underwriting decisions based on incremental return on capital and intensive analysis of each opportunity
  • Long term goal to maximize average annual growth in intrinsic value on a per share basis
  • Driven by economic results and not by accounting consequences
  • Utilize work experience and contacts to identify niche opportunities in the run-off market cycle
  • Work in partnership with all stakeholders – corporate form, but owner/operator approach


  • Demanding of ourselves as individuals and an organization to continually improve
  • Recruiting and seeking to retain passionate and bright professionals that have had success outside the run-off industry
  • Encouraging enthusiasm and energy in all that we do
  • Building a flat organization that remains agile as it grows
  • Looking for better outcomes sparked by a diverse workforce
  • Challenging ourselves and each other in a thoughtful, respectful manner

The Executive Team

The executive team at Premia has years of insurance and reinsurance experience and is prepared to take on your next challenge.

Board of Directors

BMA Financial Conditions Report

The BMA Financial Conditions Report for Premia Holdings Ltd, December 31, 2023 can be accessed here.

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